A space to express ...

This is where I'll talk about whatever I want to express to the world.

Friday, September 16, 2005

More on Penguins

Anita fwd me the article "March of the Conservatives: Penguin Film as Political Fodder". Well well well! I never thought of the political debates that can arise or how this film can be (mis)used for political agenda. But neither am I too surprised.

Issue 1: Monogamy
The penguins stick to one partner for one season only! & you call that monogamy?!!!!

Issue 2: Intelligent Design vs Evolution
I don't understand ID very much & have every reason to believe there was & still is evolution. BTW, I also believe in God.

Issue 3: Abortion
Please don't compare human society with any animal no matter what. We are far far more complex & have to deal with w-a-y more varied & difficult & complicated situation than any other animal on Earth. If you are interested do try to watch this Sri Lankan film "Wind Bird". & please don't make any "pro-life" or "pro-choice" debate out of it or try to judge what the film preaches.

Issue 4: Global Warming
This is something I'm alarmed by. That is how fast will our urban civilization (as a cancerous growth) completely kill the planet. Yes, it would have been good if the film had something about that. But I kinda understand why the film makers didn't do much about it & just kept to the penguins.

BTW, I couldn't help finding certain similarities of penguins with indigenous people around the world & differences from the more modernized people. More on that in another blog.


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